Hello heroes! You’re all actively involved in the replication of Heroes! To no one’s surprise, you all have new questions related to the process. Wise, because right now is the perfect time to collect your army of replicants! But that’s not all! There were many other questions submitted for this weekly FAQ, so let's get to the answers!
Whenever you have any questions, contact our support team on whichever channel is most convenient for you.
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Now, let’s get to the FAQ!
Will the Investment Bots be sold outside the Store?
We have no plans on this.
Will there be pirates in the game that can attack ships or something like that?
That’s a very cool idea, and it would be great to implement it. So far we have a lot of work in progress, and we are constantly thinking of ways to make the game more interesting. This idea is one of those.
Is the team going to reduce the waiting time for fights to 1 minute? 3 minutes is a very long time.
This problem will resolve itself as the number of players grows. Currently, the waiting time is due to the lack of a sufficient number of users presently logged on.
Can the team make Bluffing limited to once per battle in the next 3v3 update?
No, we are not planning on this change.
Will Heroes only be Common, Epic, and Legendary? Or will they also be Uncommon, Unique, and Rare in the future?
We do not plan to change the number of rarities.
What happens to the % boost for manufacturing with Genesis now that Replicants will be used? Is this chart relevant any more?
We are constantly adding utilities to the NFTs, as they are our most beneficial collection. We will update the table soon so that you can see the latest information.
When will it be possible to sell/buy module shares? Is it going to be in the marketplace or the bank?
We have not yet begun to implement this feature, though it is in progress. We can not provide any information on this so far.
What’s gonna happen when $SIDUS’s value increases? Will the fees for Replicants stay the same ? If so, does this mean we will go back to the all time highs when it cost $1500 for 8000 $SIDUS?
We will be pegging the cost of replication to stablecoins, so seize the moment and replicate now!
How will the withdrawal of funds with Legendary Replicants work and will we be able to withdraw money without them?
We plan to release special limited licenses that will allow you to withdraw funds using Legendary Replicants. Thus, you will need both a replicant and a license to withdraw funds.
Will Spheres be added to the Store?
How will you balance the price if scholars get a Hero for free and leave the next day?
This situation is possible and on our minds. Sadly there is nothing you can do about it. However, each Scholar contract will have an expiration date and all contracts will be fixed-term. So choose carefully when choosing a scholar!
Are resources and weapons that are currently dropping from Tesseracts limited? Will we run out of them in the future?
In the near future there will be a significant rebalancing of rewards for a more equitable distribution of resources. This will be done depending on the Collection Rarity of your team.
Where will we produce Pills? In Apartments or are there going to be a separate module?
Replicants will need Apartments and a special workbench to create pills. So, yes, you will need Apartments. No special module is planned.
Will Replicants be able to mine resources on other planets?
Yes, this mechanic is already in the works.
Are there any plans to create some personal overview of total invested tokens and total earned tokens? Is there a possibility to filter by module, days, or months with some data visualization or charts?
Yes, of course. Our goal is to make the data display as convenient for you as we can!
When the white paper mentions planet sale after launch, do you mean beta launch or launch of the final product?
This refers to the launch of the planet and the deployment of the orbital station. We will definitely let you know all the details. Don't worry — you won't miss anything!
Will it be possible to choose a race for the Replicant contest?
Yes! Let us know who you want on your team! We would love to know!
Can we get confirmation in the FAQ that land and ships will be sold in-game and reward the module contributors?
We want to be clear here: something will be sold in-game, something will not, and this depends on the state of the company. With a stable market situation, everything will be sold only inside the game; this is our ultimate goal. With each new update, we are increasingly switching to in-game merchandise. Yet, while we are in beta testing, and there are few users, we cannot disrupt the system development process, and that’s why we resort to other methods of selling content.
Will items for Apartments be on sale in the Store for $SIDUS?
Some of the items will already be in the Apartment when you get them, and some will be trophy items that will have to be obtained in battles!
That’s all for now! Feel free to ask your questions on our socials! Understanding how the game works is your ticket to reaping its benefits and rewards. See you next week with a fresh batch of answers for your FAQs!
Lots of love, The SIDUS HEROES Team