The first concert in the metaverse took place in Russia (video)
March 30 in Russia took place "New Radio AWARDS 2023" - an annual music award, where the radio station awards the best Russian artists. Traditionally, the award was held in a "live" format, but this year the creative producers decided to experiment.
The guests of the virtual award have already shared the recordings of the event in the metavlesennaya. Spoiler: the graphics are in trouble. See what it looked like:
The 2023 award was held in two formats at once: in real and virtual. The guests of the second award were in the metaverse, where 3D models of musicians performed their tracks, and visitors could run around the meta-stage and view the performance from all sides.
According to Novoye Radio, the programmers of Sberbank were involved in the development of the metaverse for the concert. An interesting fact: only ANNA ASTI performed in virtual reality with one song, all other artists performed online.

Because of one meta-performance, representatives of the "New Radio" called their event "the first music award in the world, which took place in the metaverse." The modesty of the radio station is not to be taken away. It is reported that at the time of the speech, more than 70,000 users became guests of the metaverse.