
Aethir and MetaGravity team on decentralized hyperscale gaming and the 3D internet

Aethir and MetaGravity have teamed up on big online games.

Aethir and MetaGravity have teamed up on big online games.
Image Credit: Aethir



MetaGravity, a multiplayer gaming tech firm, and Aethir, a decentralized cloud infrastructure provider(DCI), announced a collaborative partnership.


They will work to accelerate the development and maturation of decentralized physical infrastructure (DePIN) for the gaming industry and the 3D internet.



Aethir locates underutilized graphics processing units (GPUs) and provides them as a service to other clients who need them, MetaGravity’s HyperScale Engine helps game developers create big gaming worlds with lots of players.



Meta Gravity and Aethir have teamed up to make big online games possible.



This collaboration unlocks the potential for hyperscale online experiences built within persistent virtual worlds, empowering studios and enhancing the multiplayer online experience. MetaGravity’s HyperScale Engine enables game developers with an arbitrarily large compute budget, enabling the creation of vast, scalable worlds with ease and affordability. Aethir’s Instaplay is a pixel streaming solution that allows instant play without downloads across all devices, removing barriers and fostering wider accessibility.

The combination of the two products allows game developers to scale their backend simulation infrastructure and front-end cross-device pixel streaming capabilities simultaneously. This makes game development easier, faster, and more accessible to a wider audience.


Pushing the boundaries of multiplayer online gaming


Star Atlas gets 30,000 people in a server in a test.



The gaming industry has historically faced limitations in simulation scale and running costs, which constrained the development of truly massive online experiences.


MetaGravity’s HyperScale Engine addresses this limitation head-on by delivering a staggering 100 times increase in simulation scale while simultaneously achieving a 100 times reduction in running costs. This enables game designers and metaverse developers to build hyperscale online experiences with increased player concurrency, complex physics simulations, high-density environments, and graphical fidelity.

Aethir’s DCI platform complements MetaGravity’s HyperScale Engine. By intelligently redistributing underutilized GPUs from decentralized nodes, Aethir creates a vast pool of scalable and cost-effective computational resources. This empowers developers to build the next generation of games, with even more cost efficiency and control, while providing the critical infrastructure for the future of decentralized applications.



A shared vision of decentralized compute


Meta Gravity’s gaming hub.



MetaGravity and Aethir have also entered into a longer-term R&D roadmap partnership to accelerate the adoption of decentralised physical infrastructure (DePIN) for gaming. The combined capabilities of MetaGravity’s HyperScale Engine–enabling unprecedented levels of simulation scale–and Aethir’s decentralised server infrastructure, mark a significant leap forward in developing a robust DePIN. This partnership not only contributes groundbreaking advancements in gaming, but also lays the groundwork for shaping the future development of the third-generation internet. 


DePIN offers a paradigm shift for computing infrastructure in general. By leveraging a distributed network of resources powered by a token economy, DePIN eliminates the limitations and potential bottlenecks of traditional centralized infrastructure. This ensures greater resilience, scalability, and cost-efficiency across various industries.


Rashid Mansoor, CEO of MetaGravity, said in a statement, “This partnership with Aethir represents a significant leap forward in realizing the potential of DePIN for the gaming industry and our vision for the decentralized 3D Internet.”



Meta Gravity’s tech makes this possible.



He added, “By leveraging their expertise in DePIN applied to cloud infrastructure, we can ensure that the immense processing power of MetaGravity’s HyperScale Engine is readily available to game studios and metaverse builders, empowering them to create truly groundbreaking and immersive experiences while embracing a trustless, permissionless future.”


Daniel Wang, CEO of Aethir, said in a statement, “We are thrilled to join forces with MetaGravity at the forefront of the DePIN technological revolution. Aethir’s DCI platform aligns perfectly with MetaGravity’s vision for the future of multiplayer online games – including simulation scale, real-time persistence and task environments for AI training. Together, we can unlock the true potential of DePIN, not just for gaming, but for a wider range of applications within the decentralized web.”


The full Aethir community is now invited to join the MetaGravity HyperScale Testers playtest group. Gamers and the public can be the first to experience the future of hyperscale online multiplayer gaming – and see both technologies come together in real time.

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