We’re happy to announce that we intend on releasing the IP agreement for Meebits on 8/15
The creations by the Meebit community have always intrigued us and we’re very eager to see more. We’re happy to announce that we intend on releasing the IP agreement for Meebits on 8/15. 🧵for more details.
Meebits will be receiving BAYC-esque licensing rights that will allow owners to produce a spectrum of content to push their Meebits forward in real life and the meta. Meebits are not allowed to be used for any unlawful purposes or hate speech.
The IP rights are tied together with the NFTs which means all Meebit IP rights will travel with whoever is the current owner, but allows for former owners to continue to use and profit off what they have already created and published.
Lastly, when we share the finalized license you’ll notice some fine print to the effect that @yugalabs reserves the right to make changes. Don’t panic. This is there only because we are breaking new ground and need to be flexible in order to best serve the community.
We’re excited to see all the ways the community brings !meebin to life by using their IP in the near future.