X-PLANET, Kim Hee-chul's pet dog 'up and down art NFT' donation project
Com2uS Holdings announced on the 11th that its Com2uS platform will carry out a non-fungible token (NFT) donation project for broadcaster Kim Hee-cheol's dog, Gi-bok, through its NFT marketplace, 'X-PLANET'.
This donation project is jointly promoted by Com2uS Platform and five companies, including 'Hey Marie', a companion animal magazine, 'Dog TV', 'Korea Caricature Writers Association', and 'My Music Taste', a companion animal channel.
The project will run until the 30th of next month, and artists belonging to the Korea Caricature Artists Association will produce 'Giboki Art NFT' with Gibok as a model and sell it through X-PLANET. Part of the sales proceeds will be donated to 'We Market Wall Fair Social Cooperative' and used for the abandoned dog support campaign. If you purchase Gibok Lee Art NFT, which is limited to 500 pieces, you can receive 'Heymari Donation Certificate NFT' together.
Heymari, a companion animal magazine, and Dog TV, a channel specializing in pets, were in charge of recruiting artists and donations. Heymari strives to spread the right companion animal culture by providing necessary information and customized content for companion animals and companions. Dog TV broadcasts educational and entertainment contents necessary for companion animals and families.
Artists belonging to the Korea Caricature Artists Association produce ups and downs art NFTs with their own unique colors. The association is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of protecting the rights and interests of caricature artists and developing caricature culture. My Music Taste is in charge of promoting the project globally using its own platform.